Breaking the Cycle: Regaining Control Over Dysregulated Blood Sugar

How do I control my blood sugar?

88%blood sugar control is necessary if you want to enhance your health. of Americans have dysregulated glucose levels which means they don’t have proper blood sugar control.  Also known as having high blood sugar, it affects how we feel and it increases our chances of contracting diabetes and heart disease.

There is hope for those 88%, as well as the rest of us, however.  We can control our blood sugar and we can do it without drugs or insulin if we act early and often.

If you have concerns over keeping a healthy level of glucose, read on for some simple and powerful changes you can make today.

What are some symptoms you can feel if you are creating large blood sugars spikes?

If you don’t feel as good as you wish and you want to feel better on a daily basis, you will need to make real changes to your lifestyle.  There is just no way to sugar-coat it….sorry for the bad pun.

Dysregulated blood sugar will lead to the following issues:

  • Weight gain
  • Daily drops in energy levels
  • Foggy brain
  • Acne
  • Hunger soon after eating
  • Fatigue

Why are so many people suffering from this affliction?

At the bottom of it all: Diet choices.

Processed carbohydrates usually create a rapid jump in glucose throughout your body.  Quickly, your pancreas creates insulin to to remove much of it to store it. Generally, the muscle cells store it for energy to use later. There is only so much room at the Inn, however!

When you can’t store it all from the spike in response to your meal, you get oxidative stress and inflammation plus you create a trigger to store the remaining glucose as fat.

How to stop the blood sugar spikes?

A simply way to help your body stop the sugar spikes is by not ingesting flour and sugar. This is the fastest way to see improvement.

What else will help?

Eat fiber. Eating fiber before your meal will help slow the glucose entering your bloodstream.

Move. Get your body moving before and after you eat. Even 10 minutes of vigorous walking will help. High Intensity Exercise (like our ZeroForce Protocol) is an excellent method to use up stored glucose.

NOTE: Intense weight training will actually briefly spike your glucose to contract the muscles, but you will “flush” your liver of excess stored glycogen this way. It makes an important long-term solution to insulin resistance.

Finally try changing the order of your food macros when you eat. Eat veggies 1st (salad), then fat (avocados) and proteins (grass fed steak), and end with carbs (rice or sweet potato) if you want them. Surprisingly, this can lower the glucose spike by 73% (Cornell Universtiy study).

Get the Benefits:

Flattening the (glucose) curve should help you in several ways.

  • Better sleep
  • Higher energy
  • Less food cravings
  • Easier loss of body fat

Making more small, right choices will add up to a healthier lifestyle. You don’t have to go full Ketogenic diet or commit to fasting every day to get the benefits from lower blood sugar. Your metabolic health will compound the improvements as you continue to choose better options.

Don’t beat yourself up for having a cookie once in a while when you are making excellent choices more often. Live life well by living smart.

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