How To Stay Strong As You Age
Myostatin protein is found to be heavily responsible for curbing muscle growth. Today researchers are finding ways to block myostatin and potentially rebuild muscle as we age and prevent age-related muscle wasting.
Myostatin protein is found to be heavily responsible for curbing muscle growth. Today researchers are finding ways to block myostatin and potentially rebuild muscle as we age and prevent age-related muscle wasting.
Strengthen Your Forearms for a Healthier, More Active Life When it comes to exercise, many people tend to focus on the major muscle groups like the chest, legs, or core. However, neglecting the smaller muscle groups, such as the forearms, can have a significant impact on overall health and functionality. Strong forearms provide numerous benefits, [...]
In the last few years, the benefits of short, intense workouts have been extolled by both researchers and exercise fans as something of a metabolic panacea capable of providing greater overall fitness, better blood sugar control and weight reduction—all of it in periods as short as seven minutes a few times a week.
High-protein diet causing muscle loss without proper strength training. Eat protein before your workout, but make sure to do that workout!
Cancer Research Journal Reports On The Fragmented Sleep Study There is new research showing a connection between sleep and cancer growth, and, more directly, that disrupted sleep may help to increase tumor growth. This study, published in the Cancer Research Journal, is the first to state the direct effects of fragmented sleep on cancer growth.
For more than the last 20 years I have trained clients in the SuperSlow and ZeroForce Protocols. I haven't strayed from these very similar exercise programs, and some of my clients have been with me ALL of that time!
Muscle-wasting is epidemic in much of the Western world. Too much sitting and not enough activity plus poor food choices has brought us to where we are today with a huge portion of our population overfat and even obese. Today, however, there are new findings from the #ISS and #PNAS that will help bring real [...]
A Personal Trainer's 2nd 30 Days Going BulletProof Can All This Fat Really Be Good For Me? As I reflect on the last 60 days of this major diet change, I wonder if one’s diet is as important to others as it is to me. In my more in-depth conversations with clients over the last 60 [...]
Can High-Intensity Training Help Ease Arthritis Pain? Arthritis Is A General Term Arthritis is a chronic illness that causes inflammation in joints which causes weakness and loss of movement. Arthritis sufferers often have reduced endurance and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. About 1 out of every 5 US adults has doctor-diagnosed arthritis. The term arthritis includes [...]
Stretching - The Long and The Short Of It Ditch The Stretch Flexibility is an overrated aspect of fitness. If you are more flexible, what does that really mean? It’s important to understand that muscle is the only elastic component of a joint. The ligaments, tendons and bones are only elastic in a minuscule amount. [...]